Logistics at CR3

At CR3, we offer comprehensive solutions for the processing, storage and transport of green coffee. We provide individual solutions that meet the needs of our customers.

Containerempfang, Pförtner und Entkoffeinierungshalle auf dem Firmengelände der CR3 in Bremen-Industriehäfen

Green Coffee Handling

At our site in Bremen, various methods for receiving and handling green coffee are available. With our large silo capacities and our comprehensive handling capabilities, we can offer solutions tailored to our customers' needs.  

Betriebsgelände mit Containerempfang, LKW-Straßen, Arbeiter und Entkoffeinierungshallen bei CR3-Kaffeeveredelung M. Hermsen GmbH in Bremen-Industriehäfen


CR3 has a state-of-the-art warehouse with ventilated silos and a combined storage capacity of 35,000 tons. With our module-based warehouse we can also offer the storage of specialty coffees where a higher degree of flexibility and traceability may be needed.  


CR3-Kaffeeveredelung Logistik und Lagerung in grünen Silos für Rohkaffee bei CR3 in Bremen-Industriehäfen